Anonymous STD check?

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    Avatar photoPeterCD

    I might have caught something but I’m worried about going to a government hospital because of visa cancellations for infectious diseases.

    Where can I go to get reliably tested and treated for STDs anonymously without any risks of getting visa issues?

    My chinese is very poor so I need a place with someone that speaks english.

    Avatar photoRachel

    I suggest finding a western hospital or western doctor. There are some around Tongzilin, I think. You can google Global Doctors Chengdu.

    Good luck and wrap it up!

    Avatar photoJerryS

    Note to self, dont be friends with a ‘Peter’ while in CHENGDU…

    Avatar photoVincent

    Dad? Is that you?

    Avatar photolinka999


    you are so funny 🙂 haha~~~

    Avatar photoCharlie

    I doubt that an infection with anything but AIDS would be a visa issue. I wouldn’t worry about the visa implications too much, if you have a health problem get it checked out.

    Avatar photoVic

    STD can be very serious. get it taken care of ASAP for everyone’s sake!

    Avatar photoSteven

    Where’s your condom?

    Avatar photoJerryS

    Condom’s does not prevent ALL STDs. Some, not all.

    Abstinence is the way to go, until you meet someone you generally like/love. Then.. Raw it is :P.

    Avatar photoSteven
    Abstinence is the way to go, until you meet someone you generally like/love. Then.. Raw it is :P.

    Good point

    Avatar photolinka999


    To the end of 2011. 790,000AID survive patient in China, new patient 48,888 a year . 28,000 died already.

    Avatar photoCharlie
    To the end of 2011. 790,000AID survive patient in China, new patient 48,888 a year . 28,000 died already.

    That’s probably a conservative estimate, even though the percentage of people infected in China is very low (0.1%). In the 1990’s, hundreds of thousands (or millions) of people in rural China were infected with HIV through state-run blood collection programs which pooled contaminated blood. Whoops!

    Avatar photolinka999

    Yes, real number maybe bigger than that, i agree.

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