Chinese Massage Recommendations?

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    Avatar photoJulian09

    Can anyone recommend a good place to get a massage Chinese or Swedish? Just the regular kind. No happy ending please 🙂

    Avatar photoAl the Dead

    Hmmm tough choice if you dont want a happy end 🙂

    Anyway, location? Chengdu is large ya know.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Chinese massage places are everywhere, I get a massage about 2-3 times a month. The standard places are of the “推拿” variety, a lot of them are blind massage shops and will have a sign that says 盲人按摩. Normal prices are 30-40 yuan per hour. Since there are so many different locations around the city I suggest going to few and figuring out which one is best for you, and then just return there.

    Avatar photoLiam

    Yeah, you can ask the locals for advice too, usually people know a massage place in their neighborhood that they can go to without risking their wife hitting them with a frying pan.

    a massage Chinese or Swedish

    Maybe Daniel at Kaffestugan could set up a little side-venture? Not that he’d need to these days.


    I would be more interested in massages WITH happy end 🙂 . There was a good one on Ke Hua Bei Lu (with a big sign “foot massage’ but it became very pricey recently.

    Anyone good advice on new venues with a decent price?

    Avatar photoTracy Lee

    “富侨" or ” 渝富侨" massage s are good. Sometimes u can even “团购".

    Avatar photoBrendan

    What constitutes 富侨 massage?

    I go to a ‘blind’ massage place 2 or 3 times a week (though I’ve yet to see anyone blind in there!), and I’m still amused at the array of characters I see heading upstairs for a hand job. The place is kind of downbeat, but it’s clean and comfortable and I only pay 35 RMB for an hour. Two well dressed young guys headed upstairs last night while I was there, and they really don’t fit the mold of who I’d expect to see doing that, but it appears to be so normal to everyone present.

    Avatar photoJulian09

    Are there separate places for women to go? When I had a massage in Beijing with two women friends, they ushered us all into a room with three upholstered chairs. We took our shoes off, that’s all. Then, three young women marched in and proceeded to whack us in a syncopated rhythym (a nice jazzy sound) on various parts of our body, while we soaked our feet. Then they marched out of the room, and three young men arrived with sets of carving tools (for callouses) YIKES! Have to say, they were awesome on my callouses, though. The girls returned to finish off the feet, presing in places just long enough to bring on a scream, but releasing before sounds came out of our mouths. Also great! I wouldn’t mind repeating any or all of those experiences. Nothing creepy about that place at all. Not that happy ending places are creepy…just not what I’m looking for.

    Avatar photoBrendan
    they were awesome on my callouses


    Avatar photoJulian09

    HA! Yup, that was the expression on my guy’s face!

    Avatar photoTracy Lee

    “富侨" or ” 渝富侨" have two-person room, three-person room or even room that can contain many people. Two or three women or men can go those places together, definitely.

    Avatar photoslimshanks

    Looking for a recommendation near the Millennium hotel, South Shenxianshu Road area. Must be clean, good looking woman masseuse and of course leave you with the happiest of endings. 🙂



    Avatar photoEric
    Avatar photoamstel

    Hi, i’m new in Chengdu and have a bad back, i need massage to relaxe the should area… but as of now I didnt find anything that will fit what I want to pay… my hotel offer it but prices are ridiculus…

    Since I cant read and speak “Chinese” it is difficult to find something in the streets.

    I have been offer the “other” type of massage many times but that is not what i’m looking for.


    I need a nice place for shoulder massage type and maybe foot massage.  Anyone can help? I’m located in city center of Chendgu

    Avatar photoChris Ziich

    It’s going to be tough to find without being able to speak Chinese. Here’s a list of different places with prices and ratings:

    The absolute cheapest ones that you can go to are usually the blind massage places (盲人按摩). I’ve never actually been massaged by a blind person there though. You can expect to pay less than 50 for a full body massage there.

    Avatar photoApollodu

    i’ve tried one special massage. it’s called 拨经or sth like that. Cant remember the address. it hurts like hell.

    Avatar photodvcd

    About blind masseur, there was a story. Do you wanna hear:

    It is said that in the old times, all the blind or disabled people are supported by the country.
    The country give them jobs which they can do. For the blind people, the government give them jobs as musicians, normally, blind people have very good hearing. For disabled people, the government let them work at the government. For genital-disabled people, the government let them work at the government and the royal court too, so you saw so many eunuchs at the royal court.
    After 1949, the standard setup for the blind people are at the blind massages.
    But there is one man whose name is Chen, Guangcheng who doesn’t obey the rule to be a blind Masseur, so he became a lawyer and help people protect themselves. And you know the later story.

    Avatar photoroberthenry888

    “<span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px; text-align: justify;”>And you know the later story.”</span>

    No I don’t?

    …and my new favourite phrase is “<span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 22px; text-align: justify;”>genital-disabled people”. I’ll be calling peolpe that all the time now. What is that in Chinese (pinyin)?</span>

    Avatar photoWoodWERD

    I need to check out the on-campus massage place out here. Is there a pinyin translation for deep-tissue or something similar?

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