The Lazy Pug (Restaurant)

HomeForumsIn ChengduThe Lazy Pug (Restaurant)

  • This topic has 98 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Avatar photoEric.
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  • #14239
    Avatar photoRay

    Donut balls? If i ever need a new login name, just found it.

    Avatar photoJerryS

    Stand corrected, it didnt originate in New Haven, im too biased :P. But Hamburgers did!! NYC style does mean thin pizza with a good portioned crust. Just that most ‘mall pizzas’ advertise nyc style pizza, it gives it a bad connotation to it. New Haven style pizza is well… 600-700 degrees burnt pizza to perfection!

    Avatar photoCharlie
    Stand corrected, it didnt originate in New Haven, im too biased :P. But Hamburgers did!!

    Hamburgers come from Hamburg, Germany

    Avatar photoJerryS

    According to the Library of Congress, Louis’ Lunch, in New Haven, Connecticut, is the original American Hamburger, being served since 1895.

    American hamburger***

    Was referring to that. I knew food network did not give me wrong info!

    Avatar photoBrendan

    Is New Haven the hidden centre of the universe? 😉

    Avatar photoJerryS

    Yes, and isnt your hometown yours? 😉 Nawww, my bathroom (western) with TP is!

    Avatar photoCharlie
    Yes, and isnt your hometown yours? 😉 Nawww, my bathroom (western) with TP is!

    … what?

    Avatar photoBrendan

    I’m seriously confused right now. I’m heading to New Haven for the answer. 😀

    Avatar photoRick in China

    Maybe Jerry’s just gettin over a hardcore Halloween hangover, so his toilet (WITH TP!!!) is his current center of the universe?

    Avatar photosmithmbm1

    I think I may unsubscribe from this thread for a while. You guys are lighting up my inbox. It is funny though, so I will hang in there for a bit longer. New Haven, CT is the home of the original US hamburger as seen on Man vs. Food featuring Adam Richman. Used a special vertical cooker and white sliced bread. Other than that, keep me posted in all things Lazy Pug…

    Avatar photoBrendan
    I think I may unsubscribe from this thread for a while. You guys are lighting up my inbox.

    Uncheck the box below the reply window to turn off email notifications each time you post in a thread. 😉

    Avatar photoJerryS

    The center of hte universe should be your bathroom! No one understood? heh. But yea back to the topic. Its about the Pug.

    I hear they did a fundraiser for Hookers the other day. They served great deserts as well. The fundraiser was to help those out to find a new way of life rather than the life they are living (this was from a bud of mines who went there on Sunday).

    Avatar photoBrendan
    The center of hte universe should be your bathroom! No one understood? heh.

    I’m pretty positive no one understands but you, and everyone living in New Haven, maybe. Please help us out!

    Avatar photoCharlie
    I hear they did a fundraiser for Hookers the other day. They served great deserts as well. The fundraiser was to help those out to find a new way of life rather than the life they are living (this was from a bud of mines who went there on Sunday).

    Fundraiser for Hookers, is that for real?? D:

    Avatar photoJerryS

    You can ask the management of the pug, if its true, its a good thing that they did, give them options in life.

    As for the bathroom failed joke…. Yea, i worked outside in the field before, and the bathroom with TP is to die for when in ‘dire straights.’ I also dont have a western toilet, sooo….. (lets drops this :P)

    Avatar photoChris Ziich
    Fundraiser for Hookers, is that for real?? D:

    … so were the hookers there? 😀 / D:

    Avatar photoRick in China

    Rhetorical: How do prostitutes thank one for a ‘donation’, anyways?

    Avatar photoJerryS

    I like to apologize for the confusion. There was NO fundraiser for prostitutes at the Pug on Sunday! I guess my bud put one and one together and got 9000. How he get that? Well one of the waitstaff was dressed as a Russian prostitute and they were doing fundraisers for needy children (i could be wrong, but something that has to do with children and not hookers). My bud forgot it was Halloween weekend, soooo….

    And for that, the waitress (who was the Russian ‘servicer’ on Halloween) knew who exactly I was when i walked through the doors last night! Man was i shocked! They are smart people. Unless they ask every patron if they are ‘JerryS,’ but i doubt they would do that :P.

    Real review on the pug:

    15/10!!! The vibe alone is worth just going there. The food is just added amenities. And the reason why i gave it 15 of 10 is…. one word six syllables… Ribs! 15 hour, slow cooked ribs! Its probably the best ribs in Chengdu (i been here for 4 weeks, so im open to suggestions). Not only that their mesquite BBQ sauce is just perfect! Not too tangy and not too spicy, worth the 118 RMB!!!

    And just found out that their brunch on sundays…. Serve EGG BENNY!!! OMG YESS!! YESSSSS!! Ill be there to horde myself from 1pm to 2pm on sunday!

    Thursday Taco night? And tonight they are unveiling their homemade sour cream, YES!!! Im there from 9:30! Lets go!!!

    Also like to note, this lounge is very retro, similar to NYC lounge. Great music, great staff (who often come asks if theres anymore service to provide, something rare in china) and also like to note that unlike other ‘bars’ this place isnt full of green card ready girls (or at least the times i been there). So if you want to have a chill place to hang out, this is it. If you want to get drunk and bang girls, look at the Sham, jellyfish, ect ect.

    Avatar photoRay

    A local girl talks to a foreigner means she’s a “green card” girl? Hmmm….

    Avatar photoCharlie
    I like to apologize for the confusion. There was NO fundraiser for prostitutes at the Pug on Sunday!

    No problem man, that was an entertaining misunderstanding

    Real review on the pug:


    Awesome. A few of us are going to brunch at the Pug on Sunday of anyone wants to join. Sunday brunch there is great.

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