Visiting Sichuan Grasslands?

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    Avatar photosquirrel suit

    Sichuan has a ton to offer. The big city, the mountains, and everything in between. I’ve been to both of those, and would love to see some of the grasslands that are located here. The pictures I’ve seen online look unreal. Does anyone have any experience in visiting those? Which is the best area to try for? Any tips? Travel advice? I’d love to camp out there if possible.

    I’m obviously going to wait until it’s warmer to head there, but think it would be an incredible way to spend some time.

    Avatar photoKim Duistermaat

    Talk to Brian at he knows a lot about those areas and how best to enjoy them!

    Avatar photosquirrel suit

    Thanks Kim!

    Any idea if it’s possible to do this on my own or do I have to hire an “adventure contractor”? like adventure-access?

    Avatar photomuell

    Hey squirrel!

    I’ve traveled around Western Sichuan quite a bit. Hard to recommend a “best place”. Tagong (between Xinduqiao and Danba) would be the closest to Chengdu. The largest would probably be that huge area starting around Hongyuan all the way up to the Gansu and Qinghai borders. What I haven’t seen yet is the area around Litang, but it’s supposed to be good. Actually that would be my recommendation too if you’ve got some time to spare, you could combine that with a trip south from Litang into Yading and from there possibly Lugu Hu – Yunnan.

    As for the grassland itself, definitely worth seeing at least once. I haven’t seen anything as strikingly beautiful as in some of those awesome pictures you can find online, but it’s still an experience seeing those rolling hills, the grass, the clouds… As always with photography im sure it much depends on season/time of the day/sun and just luck being there at the right moment (and photoshop of course).

    Camping is definitely possible, like anywhere in China. Know what you’re doing though! Most Chinese people will tell you it’s dangerous or impossible. While that’s not necessarily true camping outside of hostels yards or those tent cities they set up in certain scenic spots is very uncommon and you never know how local herders are going to react when you trespass on their land. They’ll at least be suspicious. And on a side note: Local Tibetans can be super friendly and welcoming towards outsiders in one town and rude or even hostile in the next. Maybe there’s any Tibetans here who can explain this to me, am still puzzled every time im out there as to how that comes.

    Check out for ideas for itinaries. Ignore all information about prices, travel times aso. – think the site hasn’t been updated since 1965!

    Avatar photoKim Duistermaat

    Hi Squirrel, talking to Brian does not immediately mean you have to do business with him? In any case, he knows a lot about the place, speaks the local dialect fluently, and knows a lot of good local contacts. Have fun, and let us know how your trip went. We may be interested to go one time too.

    Avatar photosquirrel suit

    Muell, Thanks for that info. Tons of good options. Litang would be sweet, but is not an easy place to get to. I’ve thought about the way north stuff, up near Hongyuan etc. Will for sure look into Tagong

    Kim, I appologize. I didn’t understand what you meant, thanks for clearing that up! I thought you were simply suggesting that I hire Brian to take me. I’ll for sure try to contact him. If I end up going, I’ll let yall know how it goes!


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