Where's a good place to buy clothes in Chengdu?

HomeForumsGeneral DiscussionWhere's a good place to buy clothes in Chengdu?

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    Avatar phototrudat

    Lots of stores here sell clothes with outdated designs. Is there a place in Chengdu that sells clothes made for export but never made its shipping date? I like Banana Republic in the States or UNIQLO in Japan. I’d appreciate any recommendations on places to buy clothes like those at a bargain!

    Is there a mall/market that’s for clothes like the “Computer City” market on Ren Min Nan Lu and 1st Ring is for computer equipment?

    Avatar photoGeri_

    There are UNIQLOs in Chengdu,like Ito yokodo in Chunxi road,

    Avatar photoCharlie

    I recommend checking out http://www.taobao.com and search for the brands or designs that you’re interested in. Keep in mind you’re navigating a landscape of many fakes but once you find a seller that deals in quality you’re comfortable with, stick with them. That’s what I do, at least and it’s worked out pretty well so far.

    What I find with a lot of the shops in Chengdu is they either have goofy looking clothes or they have nice threads that cost far more than what they’d cost in the US (after they’ve been shipped there from China, undoubtedly changing hands a few times beforehand).

    Avatar photoshinichi

    Like a street by the computer, Chunxi Road is casual apparel shopping place.

    Yan Si Kou, Ito-Yokado, Isetan, Beijing Hualian, Parkson, etc., there are some brands of clothing.

    Renming nan lu Road, Maison Mode, and its opposite the mall, selling some of the major international fashion brands, prices are usually higher than you bought abroad.

    So, if these places, you do not select clothes, http://www.taobao.com online shopping to meet your needs.

    Avatar phototrudat

    Thanks for your replies, everyone.

    Charlie, is there a blog post about how to use TaoBao? I’m not quite sure where to start.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Nah there isn’t. It’s something that we’ve been thinking about for a long time, though. I’ll continue work on it. Thanks for reminding me.

    Here’s some quick info, though:

    To purchase items on Taobao that aren’t local, you’ll need to pay with Zhifu bao, which is like the Chinese Paypal. It’s not easy for foreigners to set this up but you might be able to get Chinese friends or a girlfriend to help you out with payment. Shipping is cheap, quick, and easy. What I do sometimes is search for local items and then contact those sellers via telephone or qq and either go to their shop or request that they deliver items to my house. That way you can inspect the items in person and pay in cash, which eliminates a lot of the hassle of Taobao.

    If you got any other questions, holler

    Avatar photoMatt

    There’s a Uniqlo at Chunxi Lu? I gotta check that out.

    Avatar phototrudat

    Thanks, Charlie. I just checked out TaoBao. Lots of selection. And I figured out how to filter down to just Chengdu sellers. How do you figure out the seller’s address or phone number?

    Matt, I just went to the UNIQLO yesterday and got some stuff. There are two stores over there. A small one is in the 3rd floor of the Ito Yokado and a big store with lots more selection is nearby. I mapped it here.

    It was my first time in the area. Cool place. Swensen’s was yummy.

    Avatar photoMatt

    Nice!! Makes it even easier.

    Well done with your map. I know for certain that Charlie is working on something like that for Chengdu Living. An interactive map like that is a helpful thing to have.

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