Underground Gourmet: The Best Noodles

Discover the tastiest noodles in Chengdu in this guide to the best that the city has to offer.

From Master Huang’s “Superior Sliced” noodles to Granny Jin’s “Palm-style”, these are some of my favorites that I’ve been going to in Chengdu for years. Best of all, you won’t find them listed anywhere else.

A Home of Our Own?

A foreigner only housing complex will be completed in October 2010, according to Chengdu Daily. In an effort to maintain the districts “purity,” though, none of the units are for sale.

Giving Birth in Chengdu: Selecting a Hospital

The continued adventures of an American giving birth in Chengdu give insight into China’s hospitals and health care. Read about what’s involved inside!

Top 10 Places to Enjoy Chengdu

With Chengdu being a city of eight million (and counting), it’s important to find a few spots of solitude to balance out the sometimes hectic pace of life in this rapidly expanding provincial capital.

China Feels Haiti’s Pain

Having both been struck by recent and devastating earthquakes, China lends a hand and sends hope to the stricken island nation.