Anybody Studying Tibetan Language?

HomeForumsGeneral DiscussionAnybody Studying Tibetan Language?

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    Avatar photoLiam

    I live in the Tibetan quarter and love it so far, it’s really cool to see monks when I go to buy vegetables or walk to class. People are also really friendly, people say hello and smile when you walk by and a few monks have wanted to practice their English.

    Is anybody currently studying Tibetan, or have a book that I could borrow for a few hours? I just want to make some photocopies, so that I have a few things I can say to people, maybe learn to write a little as the Tibetan script looks awesome.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    That’s awesome that you live in the Tibetan district. I met an American couple through the forum last year who were living in that district also, who had moved there from Lhasa. I sent them interview questions in the interest of publishing a first-hand perspective on learning Tibetan and living in that district but never got the answers since they moved to Thailand 🙁

    But to answer your question I don’t think I know anyone in Chengdu studying Tibetan. Good luck though, that is a great thing to do that I’m sure will pay off living among Tibetans in the city.

    Avatar photoStephen Howard

    Can’t help you with books or anything but the Southwest University for Nationalities which is there in the Tibetan district has Tibetan language classes. Maybe you can go in there and ask around, they will probably want you to take classes but maybe you can get a look at the book and then buy one from Taobao/dangdang/etc.

    Avatar photovalley

    I have got one.But it was printed in Chinese.Do you want it?

    Avatar photoOno

    The only one I can say in Tibetan is:Zha xi de lei-good luck

    My mom’s friend teaches the minority ethnic language and religion of Yi in the Minorities University.Tibetan is not easy to learn,the characters are so complex though they are beautiful …

    Avatar photoLiam

    The language also sounds really cool, I haven’t really heard anything like it before. The only thing I can say is “Qiu demok”, which I was informed by a monk means hello. All the cowboy-hatted Tibetans seem to get a kick out of this.

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