Startup Weekend Chengdu: June 20-22

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    Avatar photoDieter

    Startup Weekend is a global non-profit movement designed to connect local entrepreneurs, developers, designers and startup enthusiasts with mentors and resources. Organized in >120 countries, this 1st event in Chengdu will be held June 20th-22nd at See & Seen Coffee in (Hi-Tech Zone). Throughout the course of this 54-hour event, attendees will share ideas, form teams, and launch startups.

    Here’s how it works..
    * Friday: Participants pitch their best product ideas in 60 seconds, and try and find teams to build them
    * Saturday: Teams start building, mentors interact with teams to coach them and give them guidance.
    * Sunday: Building and testing continues, to create a minimum viable product ready for presentation. Presentation to judges and assessment. Closing ceremony

    All info:
    Online registration:

    Cost: RMB 200 for the whole weekend, including 7 meals.
    成都创业周末是这个全球性活动首次登陆中国西部区,旨在帮助当地企业家、开发者、设计师以及热衷创业者汇聚一堂,并为他们提供导师和资源。整个活动持续时长54 小时,参与者将会分享和提出想法、组成团队,开发和测试产品,最后成立公司。之前已经在北京、厦门、深圳、上海等地成功举办。据悉6月20-22号,全球同时将有12场创业周末将同步举办。(分别是印度的班加罗尔、斯利那加、日本真鹤,墨西哥蒙特雷、墨西哥城、 美国芝加哥、波特兰、代顿,法国巴黎及德国柏林等)。


    If you’ve ever dreamed of building a company, now is the time to put it into action!

    Avatar photoBruce Haupt

    Learn a new skill. Meet awesome people. Find a mentor. Build a real product in a weekend. My first Startup Weekend three years ago was pretty life-changing (at the very least, it has me working on a SW in Chengdu!)

    As an additional benefit, you get to hang out with Dieter and I!  Admittedly, for some of you that may not be a good reason 🙂

    Startup Weekend Chengdu

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