Where to Find Fast Internet in Chengdu?

HomeForumsIn ChengduWhere to Find Fast Internet in Chengdu?

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    Avatar photoCameron


    I have seen a couple of similar threads in this forum before but they focused on coffee shop wifi zones. Both threads concluded that Pacific Coffee Company in Raffles City Mall had the fastest wifi in Chengdu. As a last resort, is that still the case?

    What I really want to know though is if anyone was aware of any gaming bunkers or places where hardcore gamers might hangout to use fixed internet connections to access foreign servers at high speeds?

    I need a solid internet connection for work over the next few days and am desperately trying to find something a bit faster and more reliable than what I have found at wifi zones in coffee shops.

    Thank you for your help.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Are you living in Chengdu? Fiber internet is here and up to 100mbps (I pay something like 250 rmb a month for this, which includes HD TV and some other misc. services) but coffee shops are the other option.

    There are internet bars (网吧) all across the city, but they might give you some hassle when you go there because they will want a Chinese identification card (身份证) from everyone. I went to one recently with a friend to play Starcraft and we had to talk our way in.

    Other than that, coffee shops might be your best bet. Pacific Coffee should still have very fast internet, but I’m uncertain where else could be faster. Since I have faster internet at home, I have lost interest in figuring out which coffee shops have fast internet.

    Avatar photoCameron

    Thank you so much.

    We are not living in Chengdu, just here for one month on a working holiday.

    We tried Pacific Coffee today and the speeds were OK on the main “Pacific Coffee” network (below) however they would not give us access to “My_WiFi” as other users here had said.

    The issue is that we need to connect to a VPN for work and the router that broadcasts “Pacific Coffee” either blocks that, or is not configured properly.

    Are you able to give me an address or area where I can find an internet bar? We are staying near Huaxiba metro station but more than happy to travel for this.

    Thank you.


    Internet speeds on “Pacific Coffee” wifi network at Pacific Coffee Company in Raffles City Mall on 7 November 2014 using Telstra server in Sydney, Australia:

    "Pacific Coffee" at Raffles City Mall, Chengdu
    Speedtest for “Pacific Coffee” at Raffles City Mall, Chengdu
    Avatar photoCharlie

    Internet bars are literally all across the city, just ask anyone where a 网吧 (wang ba) is at. But your speed at Pacific Coffee seems to be really good. I wouldn’t expect to find anything faster than that in a public wi-fi space.

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