Don’t Believe the Protest Hype

Although China may seem like a raging cauldron of anti-Japan hawks, the truth is that the majority of Chinese are just not that into it. Trust the Chinese to know a spectacle when they see one.

Relieving China’s Traffic Jam

China’s urbanization rate brings with a whole set of challenges, one of the most difficult to solve will be the unprecedented rise in car ownership over the next 20 years and the infrastructure needed to keep traffic humming.

Psykling in Chengdu: A 5-Point Guide

Psykling is the Kung Fu of the bicycle. Want to learn more? I share my tips and experiences in this 5-point guide to the essentials.

Enduring the China Blues: Continued

Big names are leaving China these days, and so are some little ones. In this essay I rant about China, repeat myself, and conclude with something somewhat heartwarming … China is dead, long live China.

An American Artist in Chengdu II: From Cave To Sky

American painter Will Kerr’s show is running until July 6th in Chengdu. Get down there and experience thousands of years of creativity hitting you full force right in the cerebellum.