Chinese Science Fiction Magazine Under Attack

Like an evil warlock out of a classic fantasy novel, the editor of Chengdu-based Science World Magazine has set himself up for the Great Fall all such archetypal nemeses must endure at the hands of courageous freedom fighters.

The Cliche Generation With Chinese Characteristics

Chinese born after 1990 (dubbed “90后”) came of age in 2008, when earthquakes and Olympics rocked the Chinese Maindland. Now in their early 20’s, many people inside and outside of China are watching this demographic very closely to see how they will shape the future.

Raising a Child in Chengdu: Breastfeeding

If you think breastfeeding comes natural to a mama, think again. Mother and child have to learn how to move together and that takes some practice. I learn to navigate the path along with my wife in Chengdu.

A Fiery Feast: Sichuan Hot Pot

Hot Pot is but another Sichuanese institution – like teahouses and foggy skies – without which the locals would slowly wither and die. In fact, the overcast Sichuan sky and the damp conditions of the Sichuan basin make hot pot a necessity.